Inside the Shop

August 22nd, 2022 by

When you come in for vehicle maintenance or repair, you speak with one of our Service Consultants or Managers. You give them your key and then what happens? For Labor Day, we wanted to celebrate our technicians and look at what happens inside our shop. We are fortunate to have over 100 years of combined…

Ready Set Hurricane

June 8th, 2022 by

Ready. Set. Hurricane. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts an above-average hurricane season. They are calling for six to ten hurricanes caused by La Nina and above-average ocean temperatures. Hurricane season officially began on June 1 and runs through November 30th. On cue, Alex the first major storm of the year slammed South…

Cool Car Air Conditioning

June 6th, 2022 by
air conditioning

There’s nothing better than a cool car with air conditioning in good working order on a hot Charleston day. The Lowcountry summer heat is here. The optimal performance of your vehicle’s air conditioner is essential. We recommend checking the system every two to three years and having a air conditioning tune-up performed. Over time, the…

Major Mileage Service: 60K

April 26th, 2022 by

Kia Country recommends the second major mileage service at 60K miles. Why Is It Important? Routine car maintenance is essential to keep your vehicle running smoothly. We want to make sure you are provided the care and service to keep your investment in perfect shape. If you have kept up with our recommended maintenance schedule such…

Spring Maintenance Tips

March 17th, 2022 by

These spring maintenance tips will get your car in shipshape condition and ready for warm-weather fun. Spring is the perfect time to have preventative maintenance performed on your vehicle. OIL CHANGE Not surprisingly spring and summer can be cause for a build-up of additional debris and dust in your vehicle. Dry dusty roads, rain, insects,…

Major Mileage Service: 30K Miles

January 27th, 2022 by
service blog cover

Kia Country recommends the first major mileage service at 30K miles. Why Is It Important? Routine car maintenance is essential to keep your vehicle running smoothly.  If you have kept up with our recommended maintenance schedule such as oil changes, you will see that those services are incorporated into the 30K mile service and will…

Tire Rotation, Balance & Alignment

January 11th, 2022 by
tire alignment

Tire rotation, balance, and alignment are important to vehicle maintenance and performance. We routinely check your tire tread depth as part of our multi-point inspection on every service visit, but balancing and alignment require more. Tire Rotation Front tires generate more friction and therefore can wear more quickly. Rotating your tires, will prevent premature wear…

Automotive Parts Shortage Impact

September 16th, 2021 by
parts blog cover

The automotive parts shortage impact on Kia Country of Charleston’s service and maintenance cuts deep.  Service & Parts Director, Mitch Jones said, “I’ve never seen anything like it in 30+ years in this business.” The shortages started about six months into the pandemic and have affected both foreign and domestic parts. It has affected everything…

Step-by-Step: Change a Tire      

July 15th, 2021 by

These step-by-step instructions will be helpful if you need to change a tire. If you drive in Charleston, SC you are familiar with potholes and road hazards that can lead to a flat tire. You can call Kia Roadside Assistance 1-800-333-4KIA for help. You can also change the tire yourself. It’s a relatively simple process….

Chips, Dings, and Dents

June 1st, 2021 by

Chips, dings, and dents are an inevitable part of car ownership. Cars are expensive and finding a blemish of any kind is frustrating. You can prevent damage to a degree and easily remedy. First, let’s differentiate between chips, dings, and dents. The primary difference is size. Rock chips are the most common cause of damage…

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Kia Country of Charleston 32.791632, -80.0462359.