Favorable New Car Prices

May 24th, 2022 by
car prices

Kia Country offers favorable new car prices in a difficult and competitive environment. New car prices have risen 12.5% since January 2021. Driven by a chip shortage that has impacted global manufacturing, production, and supply, the average new car price is just above $47K according to Consumer Reports.  Edmunds.com estimates that 82% of all new…

Automotive Parts Shortage Impact

September 16th, 2021 by
parts blog cover

The automotive parts shortage impact on Kia Country of Charleston’s service and maintenance cuts deep.  Service & Parts Director, Mitch Jones said, “I’ve never seen anything like it in 30+ years in this business.” The shortages started about six months into the pandemic and have affected both foreign and domestic parts. It has affected everything…

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Kia Country of Charleston 32.791632, -80.0462359.