Inside the Shop
When you come in for vehicle maintenance or repair, you speak with one of our Service Consultants or Managers. You give them your key and then what happens? For Labor Day, we wanted to celebrate our technicians and look at what happens inside our shop.
We are fortunate to have over 100 years of combined automotive experience on our team and it is the combination of knowledge and teamwork that allows us to tackle any challenge successfully. Our technicians are Kia Trained and Certified as either Maintenance Technicians or Master Technicians. Our Maintenance Techs, Tim, JJ, Mike, and Randy perform routine maintenance services such as oil changes, tire rotations, and fluid exchanges. We are fortunate to have three Master Techs on our team, Chris, Kai, and AJ. Master Techs are certified to handle any type of mechanical or electrical repair and safety concerns. Our team receives additional online training monthly and instructor-led training annually.
The fact is cars have become increasingly more complex and they are constantly changing. Many customers have a misconception that we connect their vehicle to a diagnostic computer, and it tells us what’s wrong and how to fix it. Most often the diagnostic tool leads us in the right direction, but it generally involves detective work. Consider there are numerous computers, miles of wire in a vehicle, and a 10–15-page process to follow to complete some diagnoses.
The hallmark of our operation is teamwork. Tim Pilgrim, Maintenance Technician said, “This is a team-friendly environment. We’re here to help each other and everyone is willing to share knowledge. Sometimes two or three of us may have to put our heads together to solve a problem, but we do and that’s rewarding.” Kia training provides an excellent foundation of knowledge, but the daily work and shared knowledge increase proficiency. The team can also rely on support from Kia engineers if needed.
There is a national shortage of automotive technicians. It’s a demanding job, that requires a complex skill set and the ability to multitask effectively. The average tech works on eight to ten vehicles daily and may juggle two to three vehicles at a time. We try to perform services such as oil changes as quickly as possible to minimize customer wait times. That means more difficult issues are often put to the side. We may also be waiting for one or more parts to arrive to complete a job. Our Quality Control Manager, EG supervises this workflow to make sure we are working most efficiently and providing the best service to our customers. And the team isn’t confined to the shop. They often need to drive the vehicle before and after service to identify a problem and make sure it’s been fully resolved.
In addition, to repair and maintenance tasks, our team performs a Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) on every new Kia that is delivered, a 164 pt. Quality Insurance Inspection to qualify a vehicle as Certified Pre-owned, and a complete inspection of every used vehicle to see if any repairs need to be made and if it can go to our lot or will be sent to auction.
In short, the workload is relentless. Master Tech, Chris Goodyear says, “The daily demands can get crazy, but I love working on cars. It’s all I’ve ever done and it’s pretty much all I know”.
We do our best to get customers in and out of a service appointment as quickly as possible. We hope by giving you a look inside the shop, you can understand why it sometimes takes longer. There are many unknown variables.
Mitch Jones, Service & Parts Director said, “I am very thankful for the continuous effort of this team. Most importantly, they are dedicated to making sure our customers are safe and happy.”
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